Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Is "The MAS Exchange?"

What is it you ask? Well here at MAS Media Studios we are always having different discussions ranging from favorite rapper to what's the best movie line! For that reason, we decided to put a section on the site just for that and call guessed it, "The MAS Exchange!"
Here you'll get the chance to pick who would win between Mike Tyson or Ali in their prime. Or who is better Michael or Kobe! (MICHAEL!)

Now, we don't want you to simply agree (God knows we rarely do that) but we would love to know what your true view of the topic is, and challenge us on ours. We welcome all viewpoints. There are no wrong opinions, just the lack of ones. So put on your debating boxing gloves and come out swinging! We figure, we let the strongest viewpoint win!

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