Saturday, January 2, 2010

Posted By Arroyocus Last Year!

Hey all Arroyocus here,,,and as mentioned before in the description of this page,,,we are hear to share opinions ,and we welcome all opinions whether or not they agree with us. With that I will open up with one of my all time favorite flicks,,,and I always catch a lot of heat for this one,,,but I gotta say ,,,I loved the Matrix. I will ,before going further as to why,admit that the first part was the best of the series,and as it went on it seemed to become more of an introspective ,stoners distorted views and opinions of the world and humanity in general ,which if you were never into ,the stoner part I mean, you probably are not going to get. The Matrix was to me the best movie of its genre, which if I had to name, it would be classified as sci-fi action. In reality it was the perfect blend of action,drama,suspense,and romance,few movies can equal or even rival this accomplishment. Furthermore, the Matrix had alot of heart, at its core when you strip away all the cool fight scenes and digital effects ,you have a basic human story. The story being that of believing in yourself even when faced with the toughest challenges, knowing and believeing that you can accomplish anything thats what its all about. Having been a catholic school student for a good portion of my youth ,I really appreciated the direct corralation between the film and the story of Christ. Neo ,the one ,the savior of mankind, Trinity, the name of the holy three, Morpheus the all seeing father, all of these characters represent very strong religious figures,even the city of Zion, according to the sciptures of the Koran its the promised land. I always appreciate stories with deep meanings taken from history or factual events. This entire idea for a story is so incredible , pure genius, makes me wish I had thought of it. Well there you have it folks just my opinion, lemme know what you guys think . Arroyocus out,,,but not ova,,,,,

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