CAG(Comicbook Artists Guild)from the onset, has never stopped changing the scope of the independent comic world.
Iconic is no exception:
Created by Keith J Murphy, with the colabortive input of such independent creators as Susan Soares, Phillip Clark, Vincent Moore, Dennis Faye, Hector Rodriguez and cover art by Shahir Shakir, ICONIC, has set yet a higher bar of excellence within the independent comic world. Setting out with the intention to educate as well as entertain, ICONIC adds to the genera an element of comic book telling that is all but lost in the field.
Here, we are walked through a slew of short stories, ranging from the historical to the fantastical, as we are introduced to a litney of historical “heroes,” ranging over 100 years. Sherlock k Holms, John Henry and Gustave Whitehead are only a few of the many colorful, real life characters we meet though the book.
Now, it truth, it is far from your super hero, Marvel or DC format, but that is more of an ode to the brilliance of the work. We are educated and enterained and plugged into a series of memorable characters, glued to the last, cliff hanger page. We are taken on a journey unlike any other I have read, and what comes of it is a gratifying adventure into periods of history which might be all but forgotten to your average reader. Everything that makes great writing is in these pages; Fantasy, mystery, suspense, love are all meshed into each tale which moves like a silver bullet through paper. It is one of CAG's many crowing achievements, and I can’t wait for the next great read (just don’t be to long…you have an instant fan here).
So go to the CAG table at your local convention or purchase it at the comic store. It’s probably one of the best reads of the year!
Five Stars:*****(Great Work!)
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