From Identity Crises, to Justice League of America:Cry for Justice, the DC Universe has been turned upon its head. Super boy has died, (and came back,) Night wing, due to Batman’s untimely departure has taken up the cowl and Wonder Women is really peeved off, so it forces one to ask, what can shake the DC world to the core any more than this. Answer...
Blackest Night!
Led by the all-star writing team of Geoff Johns, Peter J Tomasi, Greg Rucka, along with artist Nichola Scott (Blackest Night: Wonder Women)(Jerry Ordway: Blackest Night, Adventure Comics)(Ivan Reis: Blackest Night Series)(Francis Manapal: Blackest Night: Flash)(and Eddy Barrows and Ruy Jose: Blackest Night: JSL) among a host of others.
For those who haven't been following, here's the inside track.
The black hand has called on the black rings which, to the horror of the DC Universe, is rising the dead from their graves with the sole purpose to built a dark Lantern Corpse of their own, and their sights are set on anyone who they have a major axe to grind with; but here's the kicker, it feeds off of emotions, just as the other rings do and uses those emotions to take hold of whatever unsuspecting victim might fall in it’s wake. Anyone and everyone are targeted, and the body count is rising like an approaching comet! With the infusion of virtually every DC Character, old and new, dead and alive (that’s right), this comic reads and looks as a virtual visual throwback to all the greatest horror stories of old with a storyline that moves with the expert precision of a marksmen. There’s a slew of universe shaking mayhem going on in this story line.
Truth is told (although I may be basis) the Blackest Night might very well be one of the greatest stories runs in DC history. Heck, even the tie-ins will keep your jaw dropped and head reeling, so for all comic fans, but especially DC fans, this is the story to follow. Happy reading!