But he is not a new comer to this field.
James Mc. Bride has garnered a host of Best Selling novels which reads like an all-star roster in the NBA! His debut book, "The Color of Water" was an instant best seller and an Oprah's, Book Club Choice. That success was then followed up by another best seller, "Miracle at Saint Anna," which later was adapted into a film by Spike Lee. Now, his third novel, "Song Yet Sung," is no exception.
Stirring with a true insightful voice that leaps from the page, we are told the story of Liz, a runaway slave who we follow in her pursuit to freedom from her vicious slave master, Pat

To some readers, this tune might be somewhat familiar, maybe even overplayed. The story of this type of enslavement, to some, has become a standard theme for "African American" authors. The idea of going home or discovering a sense of meaning where one might not truly exist is not new, but that is where the ingenuity of Mc Bride's writing exist, the connection to those universal ideas that might be all but forgotten by other authors in this modern age. Mc Bride is not, in any way, shape or form, "preaching to the quire," telling you, the reader how to think or feel. No line and/or paragraph is flashing a neon sign saying, "slavery is bad, slavery is bad! Don't be prejudice! It's up to us!" No, in his writing you are not let off the hook that easily. Rather, he lays back on his themes, telling the story action by reaction, letting it play out while
re-working the proverbial noted being played.
"There is one simple truth, though, through out the book that's not to be taken lightly...
"It ain't the song but the singer of it."(Pg. 18, Song Not Yet Sung).
Simply put, "Song Yet Sung" is a harrowing look at one women's push towards freedom and, hence, herself; an unflinching literary triumph forcing a dazzling glimpse into the reader's greater self and my guess is that it will become a classic for generations to come.
And for all you literary crazed readers(that includes me), I would suggest to keep an eye out for Mr. Mc Bride's future novels. I have a feeling this author's literary legacy is just taking shape.
P.S.: If you like this book, you might want to check out his earlier work, "The Color Of Water", "Miracle at St. Anna", and, of course, "Song Yet Sung,"and don't be surprised if you see this book as a Oprah Book Club Choice. Just remember, you heard it here first.